Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tweetchat #CISDEdChat

Utilizing tweet chat yesterday to share ideas and collaborate with the Castleberry ISD Administrative Teams was an exciting experience. I hadn't used tweet chat before and was intrigued at the possibilities and learning opportunities this utilization of technology could offer students, teachers, and stakeholders of CISD. I am currently planning on incorporating tweet chat into professional development for new and returning teachers and will also recommend ideas of utilizing tweet chat in the classroom. Check out the chat on Twitter at #CISDEdChat.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

DIGITAL LEADERSHIP - Chapter 10 Rethinking Learning Environments and Spaces, By Eric Sheninger

Check out the presentation created by the administrative team and the librarian at CHS highlighting Chapter 10 in Eric Sheninger's book, Digital Leadership.  http://www.slideshare.net/enosb/digital-leadership-chapter-10